Welcome to Zoe's Portfolio!
Hello! My name is Zoe, and I am a recent Computer Science graduate from Westminster University. I have a huge penchant for problem solving and I love learning. Computers and their intricacies are my passion, as I have been curious about them since I was 10 years old. I built my first computer by myself from parts list to completion when I was 15 and started programming at 17.
This website was built using experience gained working on the SLC chapter of the Japanese American's Citizens League's website with Django and Bootstrap.
Java is the first language that I learned and I have used it throughout my schooling.
I was originally quite scared of Python but it has come to be one of my favorite languages.
C/C++ is a language that I should spend more time with but is still quite enjoyable for me.
Django has become a resource for me to build websites as I already had a foundation in python.
Git was one of the first tools I learned, but I didn't use it fully until I used it with a team.
Github was how I first interacted with any version control system and I have come a long way since.
Pytorch was a tool I picked up for an AI class that I took in college. Super cool tool!
Antlr was a tool I picked up so that I could make a compiler for a language similar to Java.