ZenSpelling was a project myself and a few classmates completed as part of our class work in Software Engineering CMPT 322. It's a web-based spelling game for 1st-5th grade students to improve their spelling skills by building a garden. The game was built in Django using JQuery to transfer data to the frontend and p5.js to draw the canvas that holds the tiles on the game board. Students can track their progress in the game throught the profile screen and they can earn medals through exceptional gameplay. The game tracks the amount of time you played the game, how many questions you answer incorrectly and how many questions you answer correctly in a row and shows you all of those datapoints when you complete a game. It will also give the student medals based on those metrics after the game completes. It also saves the metrics to the database to be viewed by the student on the profile page and by the Teacher through the admin panel. I mainly worked on the database side of the game, but working in a team for this project got me to learn a lot about the AGILE process and about how effective communication can greatly improve productivity.
Here are some pictures from the game!
The login page where all students are required to log in to the app to log all metrics to the database.
The profile page shows all of the metrics for the students so that they can track their progress. It also has a section for a planned feature that we never got to, saving the gardens from students' games to their profile. We had planned it for a future release but never got to it.
The game setup page allows the student to customize their game how they want. The page offers different multiple different game board sizes and support for question sets. Question sets are a way for teachers to customize which questions the student receives to better augment their learning. It was also served as a way for students to focus on their worst words to spell them better, but that was also not automatically built in.
This is the game page where all the gameplay happens. Tiles are dragged from the left side of the screen onto the board and a question pops down from the top of the screen. Once the question is answered, a sound plays and according to whether or not the student got the question right. If they answer incorrectly, the tile that the student placed will change into a weed. The weed can be removed by clicking on it. This will pop up with another question and if that question is answered correctly, the weed will disapear. Once the allotted questions have been answered, the student is taken to the complete screen. The complete screen shows the metrics for the game that the student completed and any medals they earned.